My First Blog Post!

I wanted to start this blog to post about my comic progress. I’ve been working on an idea for a few months now with an amazing writer. So check back in here from time to time to see new panels, new ideas, and new characters. Thanks ya’ll

Christopher Diego

My mantra is never stop creating.

In college, I was enthralled with discovering new mediums and techniques, and I developed a versatile skill set in video, drawing, painting, and ceramics. Since graduation, I continue exploration in video, and naturally take to photography and digital illustration. As a multi-disciplinary artist, I work on ways to create art that blends my interests.

At its source I constantly refer to my practice of drawing. It is the foundation of all my work and I believe strong drawing techniques yield strong art.

I have worked in video production, photography, screen printing, illustration, graphic design, and coffee. All of these outlets have offered me the opportunity to express myself in a creative way.

I believe art is a collaborative process. I enjoy being around like-minded individuals that can share creative energy. I also believe everyone has their own form of art, and I find joy in being a part of the experience. We are all products of our environments, and my art is directly inspired by the landscape, the experience, and the people around me.

The act of creating is an important part of life that I believe can be overlooked. Whether it is pottery, photography, or photoshop, I focus on process rather than product.

Nothing gets me more excited then a rough sketch of an idea, listening to people talk about their latest projects, or discovering new techniques.
